--- title: kill -9 --- Troels Henriksen's website ================================ [athas@sigkill.dk](mailto:athas@sigkill.dk) [gpg](/pubkey.asc) [ssh](/id_rsa.pub) [codeberg](https://codeberg.org/sigkill) [github](https://github.com/athas) [mastodon](https://freeradical.zone/@athas) [scholar](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZRnriNQAAAAJ&hl=en) [gopher](gopher://sigkill.dk) [academic](http://hjemmesider.diku.dk/~athas) [danish](https://troelshenriksen.dk) Welcome to my website. My name is Troels Henriksen, and I am a Danish hacker ([more about me][1]) and general enthusiast in all matters computing. I am presently working as assistant professor at [DIKU][diku], the computing department at the University of Copenhagen, where I do research into optimising compilers for data-parallel languages. Concretely, I am working on [the Futhark language and compiler][futhark]. On this site I present [programs I have written][2], my [configuration files][3], and [minor scripts][4] that may of some amusement to others. I also have a [blog][5], which I may update from time to time. I tend to create categories before content (mirroring my interest in type theory), so parts of the site may seem skeletal. Please excuse any pompous introductions for folders containing naught but a five-line shell script. For those curious about technical details, this site is statically generated via the nifty [Hakyll](https://jaspervdj.be/hakyll/) framework, although it used to be written in shell script via the pretty good [werc anti-framework][6]. The source code is available [here][sigkillsource]. [1]: /me [2]: /programs [3]: /me/config.html [4]: /hacks [5]: /blog [6]: http://werc.cat-v.org/ [sigkillsource]: https://codeberg.org/sigkill/sigkill.dk [diku]: http://diku.dk [futhark]: http://futhark-lang.org