ICFP 2017, day 3

Posted on September 6, 2017

The first Racket talk of the day (I thought Lisp was supposed to be dead!) was Herbarium Racketensis: A Stroll through the Woods, although a better name would probably be "language-oriented programming in Racket". The idea behind language-oriented programming is to decompose a problem into languages that can be used to directly address its domain (as opposed to how objects are used for the same purpose in object-oriented languages). Racket seems to have specialised in this, and not just via the usual language-extending Lisp macros, but also by cleanly supporting different syntaxes, even within the same file. I'm not really sure I grasp how it's different from the horrifying reader macros of Common Lisp, but presumably it's a little more structured... The primary example language used was for Lindenmayer systems, which certainly produces very pretty graphics.

The next presentation was A Specification for Dependent Types in Haskell. After skimming Richard Eisenbergs PhD thesis, I thought dependent types were close to being adopted in Haskell, but this presentation made it seem rather distant. Well, actually, as the presenter pointed out, some people think that Haskell already has dependent types, cobbled together through its various extensions. Essentially, the presentation introduced two new core languaes, System D and System DC (I do not quite remember how they were related), to serve as dependently typed replacements for GHC Core. That seems far off. What I found particularly interesting in the presentation is the explanantion that Haskell cannot build on much of the prior work on dependent types, because they all assume that the language is total, which GHC is not.

Then there was another presentation (this one actually by Richard Eisenberg), on Constrained Type Families. The problem is that GHC has a somewhat naive view of type families, assuming they are total (that by applying a type familiy to any concrete types you can eventually produce a concrete type), which is not generally true. The proposal, it seems, is to require type families to be either closed (you cannot add new equations outside the module where it is defined), or require that the type family belongs to a type class. This will break compatibility though, but given recent GHC changes, who knows...

An interesting presentation that I didn't understand half of was Automating Sized-Type Inference for Complexity Analysis. The idea is to assign types in a program a size, which directly relates to how many reduction steps can be performed on functions operating on that type. This then encodes the complexity of a function directly in its types. The real novelty was that the sizes could be inferred, which implies inference of the *complexity. I did not quite grasph how they did this, nor how they restrict the language to make it feasible. They mentioned that they cannot encode quicksort, though.

The last Racket talk of the day (and the last talk at ICFP) was Inferring Scope through Syntactic Sugar. This was a rather strange presentation about inferring how (hygienic) Lisp macros bind the names they are given, or rather, which ones they bind. I enjoyed the definition of shadowing, which was done by defining a preorder on scopes, and defining that the definition that counts at a given use site is the least scope. In this preorder, a scope A is lesser than another scope B if the definition of A can reach B.

The day concluded with the Chair's Report. Apparently ICFP this year got 127 submissions (close to a record number), and accepted 44 (which I think was a record number). The number of submissions seems to be growing, and the accept rate was 35% this year. Too bad the paper I co-authored wasn't among them! This means that the three-day program is getting squeezed a bit, with presentations limited to 18 minutes plus questions. Other conferences (including PLDI) uses multiple parallel tracks, but the ICFP steering committee appears to be opposed to this idea. Type systems and Haskell are by far the most popular topics of submitted papers.