Running Plan 9 Userland Tools On Unix
This document described how to set up a typical GNU/Linux system for
running rc
shell scripts that expect Plan 9 userland tools.
Plan 9 is an operating system developed at Bell Labs, able to be
somewhat shallowly described as Unix done right. The standard tools
, cat
, sed
, etc) seem crude at first, having much less
features than their modern GNU (and often BSD) incarnations, along
with gratuitous shallow incompatibilities, but that merely reflects
the Plan 9 (and Unix) philosophy of highly specialised nonbloated
tools, not an actual technical deficiency.
The Plan 9 from User Space project has ported a large amount of the Plan 9 userspace to Unix, including the standard tools, and constructed "culturally compatible" replacements for some of the parts that could not reasonably be ported (such as the display system). If you are merely interested in running shell scripts expecting a Plan 9 toolset (such as most everything under /hacks, the much more lightweight 9base package contains only a subset of the full toolset, namely those most useful for shell scripting. I attempt to ensure that all my scripts use only what can be found in 9base.
Setting up 9base
Debian contains the 9base package in its archives (although beware
that the version may be out of date and missing important programs).
This package will install most of its contents in /usr/lib/plan9/
with binaries in /usr/lib/plan9/bin
. The manual pages will be in
the standard directories, although prefixed with plan9-
(so you
would invoke man plan9-sed
to read about the sed
in 9base). It
appears a semi-standard to have a $PLAN9
environment variable point
at /usr/lib/plan9/
(if you install 9base manually, you should change
this value, of course). You can set this environment variable
globally by adding the following to /etc/environment
This will have no harmful effects. On the other hand, globally making
the head of your $PATH
will most likely cause your
system to break, as the system maintenance scripts assume a GNU
userland. A good rc
shell script should manually change its path to
prefer $PLAN9/bin
The most important binary in 9base is rc
, the Plan 9 command shell,
and it will have to be accessible through $PATH
for shebang-lines
(the #!/usr/bin/env rc
at the first line of a shell script) to
work. It may be easiest to simply copy rc
to /bin
, although it
should also be safe to add $PLAN9/bin
to the very end of your
, for example by putting the following in your .bashrc
The choice of .bashrc
over /etc/environment
means that the setting
will be user-local, although making this the global setting would be