Personal details
My name is Troels Henriksen, I'm a hacker from Denmark. Computing is my primary passion, and I study it at home as well as at the University of Copenhagen, where I work as a postdoctoral researcher.
My email address is and my public key is available here. However, the best way to contact me is on IRC.
While I do have non-computer interests, this is the Internet, so I won't get into those. My computer interests are:
Simplicity. I think modern computers are too slow, too fragile, and too incorrect, and I believe the root cause is uncontrolled complexity. Attempts to introduce simplicity by mindlessly adding abstraction layers are ultimately counterproductive. Simplicity is best achieved by lowering feature count and flexibility.
Freedom. Important societal infrastructure code should be free from a moral point of view. Other kinds of code should be free because collaborating is fun!
Tinkering. Computers are toys for the mind.
My main claim to fame is my participation in topDatamat, a Danish (English subtitles) sketch show, as terrible actor and decent script author.